Five questions about the sculpture restoration proposed by insiders, after reading it, you will know

1. Do any sculpture that have problems need to be repaired?

Each sculpture has its own creative purpose. Just like some sculptures designed by artists are to interact with people. In the process of contact, the grease on the hands will form some smooth surfaces on the surface of the sculpture. The artist's work need the proof of time traces, then we don't need to repair it.


2. How to protect outdoor sculptures? How often does it need to be repaired?

Outdoor sculptures generally appear in crowded places such as parks, squares, and commercial complex spaces. When there is a large flow of people, in order to avoid damage to the sculptures by crowded people, one is to increase the base to reduce the contact between people and the sculpture; The second is to pull the cordon or make special garden designs to stop peoples pace and appreciate from a distance.


3. Is there any relationship between material and restoration?

There are different restoration methods for different materials, and now there are many sculptures with comprehensive materials, such as some sculpture art installations that integrated of sound, light and electricity . If the parts are damaged or missing, the materials and forms are more complicated, if it is necessary to replace circuit components, etc., it is not enough to rely on the repairer of the sculpture.

4. How to repair colored sculptures?

To complement the color, the most important thing is to look at the original material of the sculpture, the coloring  craft, and it needs to be repaired by a professional master with a certain degree of artistic aesthetics, and compare the whole picture before coloring it.


5. What are the general steps for sculpture restoration?

It is generally divided into maintenance and restoration. Maintenance refers to the renovation of the surface of the sculpture when the internal skeleton of the sculpture is intact, so that the aging sculpture surface can restore the beautiful image brought by the original creator.

Restoration refers to the comprehensive restoration of the internal structure and safety factor of the sculpture in the repairable range, and the adjustment of internal forces, the repair of loose parts, and the repair of cracks and defects, so that it can be preserved for a long time.

source:GD Fysculpture Co.,Ltd.

source:GD Fysculpture Co.,Ltd.